We’re living in a strange times. I recall today when 25 years ago I wrote for a student magazine “Semestr”. One day Andrzej Lepper – a controversial politician – was coming to meet students in my home town of Wrocław. When the editor asked who wanted to cover it, half of the team raised their […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 245

The year 2024 is nearly over. I am not writing as much of my Absurdistan columns because, frankly speaking, Polish politics got really boring and predictable now, at least for the people who, like me, didn’t expect too much from Donald Tusk’s led coalition. But as some of the readers reached out to me to […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 244

It has been a year since the 2023 elections, which were deemed by many to be the final battle to save democracy in Poland. While PiS had been removed from power though, things are not going as well as some expected, and many Poles are disappointed with the style of government presented by Donald Tusk. […]
Talking Sense: Jon Worth on European railways

This is a new podcast from the creators of Lewackie Pitolenie. Just like some chapters of Lewackie Pitolenie were available in English as Leftist Drivel, so some chapters of Mądrze Gada will be available in English as Talking Sense. Our first guest is Jon Worth. In his own words, Brit who became German […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 243

As I was preparing for my Finnish test and then had a month long holidays, I decided to give myself a break from the news and the social media (for the most part). But this time it was different – this time I completely fell out of the loop. Why? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 242

“Live by the sword, die by the sword”. This old proverb can describe well how PiS’ rein is going to end. As Donald Tusk’s government is not wasting any time in his attempt to bring PiS politicians and activists to justice, one of the investigations is dealing with the embezzlement of the Justice Funds money. […]
Review of “The King of Bullshit News?” by Michael Leidig

Some of my long-time readers might be familiar with the campaign, which involved Gazetae.com, a portal I used to be a deputy editor of, in which we were trying to tackle misinformation and deliberate slandering of Eastern Europe by the British media. One of the most famous cases was a story published by Daily Mail, […]
Butterfly Effect

by Martyna Sokołowska Translated, edited and additional commentary by Tomasz Oryński Every day army of young wannabe journalists fill the space in the Daily Mail and other British tabloids with bits and pieces they find on the Internet or from news agencies. They wade through oceans of data in search of the stories that they […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 241

100 days of Donald Tusk’s government has passed and it is going worse than expected for everyone. But especially for PiS of course. When former Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro was mocking the new government from the parliament’s rostrum shouting at them “I hope you won’t be such a bunch of ninnies this time”, he probably […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 240: Mood in Poland now.

In recent weeks the Polish politics sped up so much, that I am failing to keep track. After initial hiccups with new government trying to take over of the public TV, which was not without issues, everyone expected them to get stuck and to spin the wheels, but no. The pace of the less spectacular, […]