The police is not having a good time recently. Everyone is still talking about the chief of police blowing his office with the grenade launcher, and now Gazeta Wyborcza informs about his brother facing five different changes related to a tax scams. Usually, people accused of crimes of that scale are arrested, but in this […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 219

Don’t worry, this is still Britske Listy’s “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” series. What you are looking at is a mayor of Jarocin burning private parts of Jan Szyszko with a jet burner. If you are loyal reader of that series, the name Szyszko might ring a bell – he was an environmental minister known for his […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 217

It’s terrible how Christians are discriminated against in Poland. You might remember last time I finished my column with the information about how Polish Scouts are now given choice if they want to say their oath with or without invoking God. Apparently, this is not the end of that story. See, the Pastoral Council of […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 216

Finally, we know what is responsible for the crisis of families and high rates of divorces in Poland: it’s bad behaviour patterns. How young people are to create stable families and avoid divorce if they are surrounded by such flawed examples. And no, I am not talking about PiS chief of (formerly) Public TV Jacek […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 214

The Poles still discuss the new laws that are to tighten the “protection of religious feelings” (see more in last week’s piece). People keep wondering how such laws would work in practice, and some historical case studies are brought in. For example, if the bishops allow a priest, who was sending his dickpicks to his […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 213

Hallelujah! The long-awaited report of Antoni Macierewicz’s subcommission for investigating the Smoleńsk crash has been finally published! Finally, we know the truth, how the best president in the history of the Universe has been murdered by the evil team of Donald Tusk and Vladimir Putin. But do we? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 210 Meanwhile […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 212

This was, I think, one of the longest breaks in the Cuckooland series so far. First I was on holiday, then I decided to join the efforts of my friends who were helping some Ukrainian refugees – and, as I live in Britain, the only reasonable way to do it is to work extra time […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 209

Finally, what was always commonly known, now it’s officially confirmed. Remember when Jarosław Kaczyński was asked about the tax reform “Polski Ład” after expert pointed out, that it will make most Poles worse-off? Back then he said that “Poland needs positive changes but only those who make a living from – pardon my language – […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 191

Apparently, the city of Nowa Sól is now the safest town in Poland, if not in Europe. Because how otherwise it could be explained that the main focus of the local prosecutors is a cat named Lucjan? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 184 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 164 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 156 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 15
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 174

“Ruthless attack of Watchdog on the Radio Maryja circle! Father’s Rydzyk’s university becomes yet another target! The dean says “We are being tormented. What’s the purpose of it?” – cries, extremely pro-PiS portal. So what it is about? Watchdog Polska, an NGO focused on providing citizen’s control by the way of obtaining public information […]