“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose” as the French would say. Remember Artur Zawisza, a former PiS politician, who in 2016 lost his driving license for drink driving, but continued to drive and in 2019 hit a cyclist, so he continued to drive because, I guess, he assumed that they can’t ban him […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 229

In recent weeks we got a bit distracted from our typical direction and investigated the Polish musical market and then got shocked by the level of villainy represented by the ruling party media and supporters that led to a death of a young boy. But what was actually happening in “regular Absurdistan things” recently? Related […]
PiS has blood on its hands. AGAIN.

Writing that title made me feel uneasy. No, not because I am afraid they will sue me or something: we all know very well this is true. There is a reason why they are doing everything to postpone sentencing of the murderer of the Gdańsk president Paweł Adamowicz four years ago (read on it here): […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 228 – Eurovision Special

As I am collecting news items to feature in the new chapter of Absurdistan, I found an interesting drama regarding this year’s entry Eurovision song content. And I thought that maybe this week, instead of usual digest of the recent news, we can focus on that one thing, as in the lense of Eurovision – […]
Leftist Drivel on Polish-Ukrainian relations and Russia

Our guest today is Ukrainian youtuber and film critic, Alina Nikulina. We talk about how the life of Ukrainians changed last year, but also about how it influenced Polish-Ukrainian relations. Of course, we could not omit the topic of Russia, its past and future, and how it influenced the history of our countries – but […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 227

After about five years of running this series, I have a feeling that I keep writing about the same things over and over again. Sometimes I lose motivation to write: “if I am boring with the same shit, would my readers in the Czech Republic be willing to read about it again?” – I think […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 226

The police is not having a good time recently. Everyone is still talking about the chief of police blowing his office with the grenade launcher, and now Gazeta Wyborcza informs about his brother facing five different changes related to a tax scams. Usually, people accused of crimes of that scale are arrested, but in this […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 225

The Christmas season started with a bang this winter. The bang was big and loud, and took place in the Police National Headquarters. Luckily nobody died, but the explosion caused significant damage to the building. Luckily despite there being through holes between two floors, there was no structural damage, but the cost of repair will […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 224

Despite the economic crisis, there is still some money to be done in Poland. And what money it is – it would easily help to beat not only Polish, but even Venezuelan rate of inflation. So how you do it? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 217 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 215 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 212 Meanwhile […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 223

The big news in Poland is, of course, a village near the Ukrainian border that had been hit by a rocket, killing two men. The international media covered it well and since, judging from what I see in the Social Media, I am the only person in Poland that is NOT an expert in rocket […]