You are not so great, Britain. Chapter 8: Trains, buses and everything.

One of Elisa’s English language students said that “Britain is the country where everything is organized and buses are always on time”. Oh, how wrong she was. With the bus and rail strikers, the government accuses trade union leaders for “making the public transport unreliable”. But perhaps they should go on strike, because it can […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 215

As I write those words, the Internet is full of pictures of the Russian Ambassador to Poland having a bag of artificial blood smashed into his face. While most of the people cheer for the protesters and think it serves him right (his words on the Russian invasion of Ukraine angered many people), there are […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 205

So just as we published the last week’s Absurdistan, the news broke that the prosecutors refused to investigate the cyberattack on the mobile phone of prosecutor Ewa Wrzosek. Some say that this is because minister of justice Zbigniew Ziobro, who has total control over the prosecutors, don’t want his criminal pals who spied on the […]

FACT CHECK: Poland needs 120 000 drivers, so surely they must have even biggest shortages than Britain!

There is that map circulating the internet, used by Brexiters to show that driver shortages are nothing unusual across Europe, and thus the situation in Britain is not specific to this country only and, surely, it has nothing to do with Brexit. You can find that map for example in this Daily Mail article, for […]