We’re living in a strange times. I recall today when 25 years ago I wrote for a student magazine “Semestr”. One day Andrzej Lepper – a controversial politician – was coming to meet students in my home town of Wrocław. When the editor asked who wanted to cover it, half of the team raised their […]
Elon Musk’s new invention is utterly stupid. As usual.

I am watching a movie clip about Elon Musk’s Tesla Cyber cab and I am going to tell you why it is a completely stupid vehicle. This guy just don’t understand how vehicles that are not toys should be designed. Yeah, here we go again, I just had a Deja Vu moment: I am […]
On the 8th anniversary of Brexit referendum.

The Brexit referendum happened 8 years ago. I remember that I didn’t believe right to the end that Britain can be stupid enough to do it to itself. What else do I remember about that? I remember the next morning we were driving our car to work (we worked together in one office back then). […]
Courts are for real Britons. For brown girls – life as stateless person in a refugee camp.

Shamima Begum is a London-born girl, who some years ago, aged 15, ran away from her parents to join ISIS. She wanted to be a mother to the children of martyrs. Today, the British court decided that striping her of British citizenship is a rightful decision. I believe this is a day of great shame […]
PiS has blood on its hands. AGAIN.

Writing that title made me feel uneasy. No, not because I am afraid they will sue me or something: we all know very well this is true. There is a reason why they are doing everything to postpone sentencing of the murderer of the Gdańsk president Paweł Adamowicz four years ago (read on it here): […]
Perhaps re-thinking of our visa politics towards “ordinary Russians” is long overdue?

A sticker with Ukraine appeared on my car just after Russia began its new wave of invasion into Ukraine. I know, it’s just an empty gesture, but I simply wanted to express somehow my solidarity with the victims of Russian imperialism. For the 6 months of 2022, I still lived in Scotland, this sticker was […]
What are Finnish housing standards compared to British ones?

In my last Polish language podcast I shared my first impressions after moving to Glasgow. One of the listeners, a British Pole, asked if I could do a twitter thread about it, so I did. And I got carried away a bit, so I am going to make it into a blog as well for […]
Cold pint of Lech at 21:37, or why you should not overdo the mourning.

The Queen has died at the beautiful age of 96 years. After the initial shock of the nation, the news from Britain became more and more ridiculous. Center Parcs kicking out their guests in honour of the queen and the food banks closing its doors to hungry, poor people to commemorate her majesty. All while […]
FACT CHECK: Poland needs 120 000 drivers, so surely they must have even biggest shortages than Britain!

There is that map circulating the internet, used by Brexiters to show that driver shortages are nothing unusual across Europe, and thus the situation in Britain is not specific to this country only and, surely, it has nothing to do with Brexit. You can find that map for example in this Daily Mail article, for […]
Is it racist to say “hey, but Ann Boylen was white!”?

Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily paper, decided to gain some clicky by resurrecting a discussion that tumbled across the Polish internet a couple of weeks ago. The question of casting Jodie Turner-Smith, a black actress, as Ann Boylen in the oncoming Netflix series was controversial. Since the series was announced as a period drama, […]