Some of my long-time readers might be familiar with the campaign, which involved, a portal I used to be a deputy editor of, in which we were trying to tackle misinformation and deliberate slandering of Eastern Europe by the British media. One of the most famous cases was a story published by Daily Mail, […]
Butterfly Effect

by Martyna Sokołowska Translated, edited and additional commentary by Tomasz Oryński Every day army of young wannabe journalists fill the space in the Daily Mail and other British tabloids with bits and pieces they find on the Internet or from news agencies. They wade through oceans of data in search of the stories that they […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 241

100 days of Donald Tusk’s government has passed and it is going worse than expected for everyone. But especially for PiS of course. When former Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro was mocking the new government from the parliament’s rostrum shouting at them “I hope you won’t be such a bunch of ninnies this time”, he probably […]
Courts are for real Britons. For brown girls – life as stateless person in a refugee camp.

Shamima Begum is a London-born girl, who some years ago, aged 15, ran away from her parents to join ISIS. She wanted to be a mother to the children of martyrs. Today, the British court decided that striping her of British citizenship is a rightful decision. I believe this is a day of great shame […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 240: Mood in Poland now.

In recent weeks the Polish politics sped up so much, that I am failing to keep track. After initial hiccups with new government trying to take over of the public TV, which was not without issues, everyone expected them to get stuck and to spin the wheels, but no. The pace of the less spectacular, […]
The saga of so called “political prisoners” in Poland explained:

This piece was published in Britske Listy as a part of Meanwhile in Cuckooland series. Regular chapters of the series can be found here For the most recent chapter, click here You might have seen in the news headlines like “Polish lawmakers arrested by the new government” and wonder what is that all about. I […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 238

Donald Tusk’s government is slowly gaining momentum. Squeaks coming from PiS side as they are being gradually pulled away from the through are getting louder too. As Donald Tusk wrote on his twitter, it won’t be light, easy and pleasant work. How hard, difficult and unpleasant it might get we saw when TVP had been […]
What is the kerfuffle about the Polish public broadcaster about?

Media all over the world are writing about the stand-off in the headquarters of TVP, Polish public broadcaster. As some voices try to frame it as an assault on democracy and freedom of speech, I thought I might need to write a small explainer. You can read it on the sites of West Country Voices […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 237

The time of Mateusz Morawiecki’s two weeks government came quite uneventful on the political front. As it was obvious to everyone, his appointment served only one purpose: to delay Donald Tusk’s appointment. Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 212 Good News from Cuckooland! (Meanwhile in Cuckooland 211) Meanwhile in Cuckooland 154 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 78
Why are protestors in Poland and Slovakia blocking border crossings to Ukraine?

The issue of a blockade of the border crossings into Ukraine carried out by Polish haulage companies made mainstream news. The disagreement between Poland and Ukraine has been going on for nearly a year now, but Ukraine is winning the PR war, so the reports in both mainstream and social media are very unfavourable for […]