In recent weeks we got a bit distracted from our typical direction and investigated the Polish musical market and then got shocked by the level of villainy represented by the ruling party media and supporters that led to a death of a young boy. But what was actually happening in “regular Absurdistan things” recently? Related […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 224

Despite the economic crisis, there is still some money to be done in Poland. And what money it is – it would easily help to beat not only Polish, but even Venezuelan rate of inflation. So how you do it? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 217 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 215 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 212 Meanwhile […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 223

The big news in Poland is, of course, a village near the Ukrainian border that had been hit by a rocket, killing two men. The international media covered it well and since, judging from what I see in the Social Media, I am the only person in Poland that is NOT an expert in rocket […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 219

Don’t worry, this is still Britske Listy’s “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” series. What you are looking at is a mayor of Jarocin burning private parts of Jan Szyszko with a jet burner. If you are loyal reader of that series, the name Szyszko might ring a bell – he was an environmental minister known for his […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 218

I was surprised to hear about Jarosław Kaczyński’s departure from the government. You could say this is a shame for someone, who writes about Polish politics. I will have to disagree with you here. See, this was something completely irrelevant. I was surprised to see him gone because I was under impression that he left […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 217

It’s terrible how Christians are discriminated against in Poland. You might remember last time I finished my column with the information about how Polish Scouts are now given choice if they want to say their oath with or without invoking God. Apparently, this is not the end of that story. See, the Pastoral Council of […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 216

Finally, we know what is responsible for the crisis of families and high rates of divorces in Poland: it’s bad behaviour patterns. How young people are to create stable families and avoid divorce if they are surrounded by such flawed examples. And no, I am not talking about PiS chief of (formerly) Public TV Jacek […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 215

As I write those words, the Internet is full of pictures of the Russian Ambassador to Poland having a bag of artificial blood smashed into his face. While most of the people cheer for the protesters and think it serves him right (his words on the Russian invasion of Ukraine angered many people), there are […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 214

The Poles still discuss the new laws that are to tighten the “protection of religious feelings” (see more in last week’s piece). People keep wondering how such laws would work in practice, and some historical case studies are brought in. For example, if the bishops allow a priest, who was sending his dickpicks to his […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 212

This was, I think, one of the longest breaks in the Cuckooland series so far. First I was on holiday, then I decided to join the efforts of my friends who were helping some Ukrainian refugees – and, as I live in Britain, the only reasonable way to do it is to work extra time […]