The Brexit referendum happened 8 years ago. I remember that I didn’t believe right to the end that Britain can be stupid enough to do it to itself. What else do I remember about that? I remember the next morning we were driving our car to work (we worked together in one office back then). […]
Leftist Drivel on Finnish politics.

Our listeners were asking us about Finnish politics. We know nothing about Finnish politics, so we invited a true Finn to explain it to us. As the conversation took place in English, we decided to publish the English version too as well. So if you are curious: – what are the main political powers in […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 241

100 days of Donald Tusk’s government has passed and it is going worse than expected for everyone. But especially for PiS of course. When former Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro was mocking the new government from the parliament’s rostrum shouting at them “I hope you won’t be such a bunch of ninnies this time”, he probably […]
Courts are for real Britons. For brown girls – life as stateless person in a refugee camp.

Shamima Begum is a London-born girl, who some years ago, aged 15, ran away from her parents to join ISIS. She wanted to be a mother to the children of martyrs. Today, the British court decided that striping her of British citizenship is a rightful decision. I believe this is a day of great shame […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 240: Mood in Poland now.

In recent weeks the Polish politics sped up so much, that I am failing to keep track. After initial hiccups with new government trying to take over of the public TV, which was not without issues, everyone expected them to get stuck and to spin the wheels, but no. The pace of the less spectacular, […]
Leftist Drivel on Polish-Ukrainian relations and Russia

Our guest today is Ukrainian youtuber and film critic, Alina Nikulina. We talk about how the life of Ukrainians changed last year, but also about how it influenced Polish-Ukrainian relations. Of course, we could not omit the topic of Russia, its past and future, and how it influenced the history of our countries – but […]
You are not so great Britain. Chapter 4: Home, sweet home. Tiny, mouldy home.

Britons are pround of being one of the richest economy. But are standards of living really that great? We lived in a few countries between us, and we can’t remember topics like “mould”, “leaving rooms unheated to save money”, “single glazing windows” and “struggling to fit double bed into the bedroom” to be topics of […]
You are not so great, Britain. Chapter 2: Britain’s Rubbish.

Britain is a beautiful country. Old victorian towns, beautiful landscape, walkable city centres. Yet it is all spoiled by rubbish. Litter is everywhere, even despite the fact that bins are plentiful and easily accessible – from the main streets of big cities to the most remote areas of Scotland. Why is it, that Britain can’t […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 223

The big news in Poland is, of course, a village near the Ukrainian border that had been hit by a rocket, killing two men. The international media covered it well and since, judging from what I see in the Social Media, I am the only person in Poland that is NOT an expert in rocket […]
Cold pint of Lech at 21:37, or why you should not overdo the mourning.

The Queen has died at the beautiful age of 96 years. After the initial shock of the nation, the news from Britain became more and more ridiculous. Center Parcs kicking out their guests in honour of the queen and the food banks closing its doors to hungry, poor people to commemorate her majesty. All while […]