Meanwhile in Cuckooland 115

The government’s attacks on the speaker of Senate are continuing. The whole propaganda machine seems to be engaged: Internet trolls are going hand in hand with PiS controlled media. “Gazeta Polska” went so far that they printed an envelopes and fake money, urging its readers to send those to the speaker. Central Anti-corruption Bureau (CBA) […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 110

Last week was unusually quiet in Polish politics. Probably because all the parties are planning how to begin the new term of the parliament. The only decision to be made was for the president to officially appoint Senior Speakers of both chambers of the parliament. In Poland, the Senior Speaker is mostly a honourable position: […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 103

How time flies! It’s mid-July already! It’s July already?!?! — Calvin and Hobbes (@Calvinn_Hobbes) 1 lipca 2018 And even if there is nothing major happening in Polish politics, after the dust from European Elections settled down, it does not mean, that there weren’t any significant events taking place. Some of them were organized by […]