When the government promised new fire engines for the parishes that have the highest turnout in the presidential elections, everyone wondered what would happen if the biggest turnout would happen in the places that voted for the opposition candidates. And now we have a chance to watch that, as in Podkarpackie voivodship, traditionally known for […]
Author: Tomasz Oryński
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 137
As predicted, with the election won PiS instantly executed a radical handbrake turn. Promises by Andrzej Duda – such as those of additional money for pensioners – were scrapped day after the preliminary results were announced. Apparently it would be too expensive. Promises “tourist token”, a coupon that was supposed to allow Poles to enjoy […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 136
Andrzej Duda is to remain in the presidential palace for the next 5 years (at least, because who knows, since Poland is heading in the direction known so far from the countries East from us, perhaps there are some constitutional changes to happen?). I am not using phrases „he won the elections” or „he was […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 135
I just watched the most ridiculous spectacle. Both candidates in the Polish presidential elections refused to participate in the debate organized by the other (as we have to make it clear, TVP does not even hide that they play on Duda’s side). In result this evening we had two separate spectacles: one in TVP, when […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 134
According to exit polls, the first round of presidential elections in Poland brought no surprises to anyone. Incumbent Andrzej Duda came up first with just over 40% – which was much less than PiS hoped for. In the second round, he’s going to face Rafał Trzaskowski (who gained about 30%) votes, mostly at the expense […]
The Duda News channel – on the pro-PiS propaganda in Public Media
Following up PiS in Poland is a constant chain of being shocked with what they do, saying that this is unbelievable, briefly being unable to imagine how anyone could go a step further and then watching with disbelief as they go three steps further. I had yet another of such moments this week when I […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 133
Remember that village chief from Tuszów Narodowy, known for his fanatic ultra catholic fixation? If not, look here. And why am I bringing him up again? It’s because of his letter to the Commissioner for human rights, in which he defends his parish’ stand against “LGBT ideology”. He argues, that if he backed down, he […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 132
As you probably heard already, as it was making headlines everywhere from Canada to Australia, Poland is experiencing an extreme homophobic shitshow provided to us by president Duda and his party colleagues. Apparently, panicked with the growing popularity of Rafał Trzaskowski, Duda’s main opponent in oncoming presidential elections, PiS decided that they need a new […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 131
In the last chapter, I ridiculed a report from the Polish Ligue Against Defamation that, at great cost (paid indirectly from taxpayer’s pockets) prepared a report on the Polish elements in the movies streamed by leading streaming platforms. The outcome of this report was, that the vast majority of the movies do not mention Poland […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 130
If Kazik, who’s song was removed from the first place in the charts as it criticized Jarosław Kaczyński’s contempt to the social distancing measures, wanted to write some new stanzas, he would not be short of material. Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 129 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 127 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 124 Meanwhile in Cuckooland 120 […]