Poles at the polls: Voting on two passports

Scotland is preparing for new elections to the Holyrood parliament. You might think that just a while ago, we voted for Westminster MPs and that was just after the dust had settled on the independence referendum. That seems a tight election calendar. But if you are a Pole living in the UK, this is only a part of what you have on offer.

A Pole who lives in the UK can vote in local elections (and it means not only voting for the city council; Scottish elections are also seen as local ones in the eyes of European Union). So we can have our say on the matters that are most important to us – local matters. It is the Scottish Government and local councils that are responsible for the roads we drive on, the schools our children are attending and a health service that (hopefully) most of us don’t need to use. That’s seems fair enough – we have a say in how our taxes are being spent.

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