As I am collecting news items to feature in the new chapter of Absurdistan, I found an interesting drama regarding this year’s entry Eurovision song content. And I thought that maybe this week, instead of usual digest of the recent news, we can focus on that one thing, as in the lense of Eurovision – […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 214

The Poles still discuss the new laws that are to tighten the “protection of religious feelings” (see more in last week’s piece). People keep wondering how such laws would work in practice, and some historical case studies are brought in. For example, if the bishops allow a priest, who was sending his dickpicks to his […]
Is it racist to say “hey, but Ann Boylen was white!”?

Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily paper, decided to gain some clicky by resurrecting a discussion that tumbled across the Polish internet a couple of weeks ago. The question of casting Jodie Turner-Smith, a black actress, as Ann Boylen in the oncoming Netflix series was controversial. Since the series was announced as a period drama, […]
On the Gardens of the Heavenly Spheres

Those who love beautiful Gardens can enjoy truly wonderful choice in Scotland: numerous botanic gardens, private gardens, castle gardens, gardens maintained by National Trust of Scotland – everyone can find something to his taste. There are also some gems, that will please people, who look for something completely different. Places that are more of a […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 23

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far Easter period is usually quiet in Polish politics. Members of government and MP’s are usually spending this time with their families, remembering crucifixion of Jesus. Or Brian for that matter, if we believe a front […]
What has happened to the Olympic ideal?

Another leap year, another Olympic Games. The whole world is watching closely as athletes compete in noble rivalry. All discord is put aside and amateur sportsmen from all over the planet face each other in a friendly contest to prove yet again that we are all one people. It’s a wonderful, worldwide fete of peace […]
Brits claim to be music lovers but dance only to the beat of their own drum

Don’t get me wrong. Britain is one of the most important places in the history of popular music. Everyone will find a British band to their taste – from The Beatles to Macc Lads. If you find Iron Maiden too noisy, Capercaillie is there to calm your nerves. But Britain is not the only place […]
Two sad movies about happiness

“Return of the idiot” (“Návrat idiota”) and “Something like happiness” (“Štěstí“) are two movies dealing with the interpersonal relations. In both of them the viewer follow a group of Czech people from the small city, who live their ordinary lives and try to find happiness. Although at first sight both movies appear very similar (even the […]
Meanings and representation of popular and rock culture in Hungarian cinema.

Thanks to its relatively close relation with the Western world, Hungary much more than other countries of the Eastern Bloc was under very strong influence of the Western popular culture. It was visible especially at the field of the rock music. In the first part of my essay I will attempt to analyze motives of […]
Čapek and Vančura – is their writing really so different?

„War with the Newts” by Karel Čapek and „Kosmas” by Vladislav Vančura are at the first sight very different works. The first one is a classic Science-Fiction book, written in very modern language and using original narrative modes, while the second one is a tale of old times, told in strongly archaized language. However, both […]