Our listeners were asking us about Finnish politics. We know nothing about Finnish politics, so we invited a true Finn to explain it to us. As the conversation took place in English, we decided to publish the English version too as well. So if you are curious: – what are the main political powers in […]
You are not so great, Britain. Chapter 9: Hey ho, hey ho, it’s off to work we go.

People from all over the EU until recently were coming to the UK in their thousands to look for work. People from other parts of the world still find Britain an attractive destination. But is the British work market a good place to be an employee? Was it ever? Are salaries really good and workers’ […]
Perhaps re-thinking of our visa politics towards “ordinary Russians” is long overdue?

A sticker with Ukraine appeared on my car just after Russia began its new wave of invasion into Ukraine. I know, it’s just an empty gesture, but I simply wanted to express somehow my solidarity with the victims of Russian imperialism. For the 6 months of 2022, I still lived in Scotland, this sticker was […]
What are Finnish housing standards compared to British ones?

In my last Polish language podcast I shared my first impressions after moving to Glasgow. One of the listeners, a British Pole, asked if I could do a twitter thread about it, so I did. And I got carried away a bit, so I am going to make it into a blog as well for […]