Translated by Craig Proctor Although at the beginning of his government Polish prime minister Donald Tusk claimed thanks to his polices, soon Poles would be returning home from Ireland and UK en mass. So far this has not happened. Donald Tusk himself lowered the tone and no longer mentions the subject. Yet a growing number […]
Welcome to the real World

This article is in response to Amy Mackinnon’s article on graduate employment, ‘Never had it s good?‘ Amy Mackinnon’s recent piece on graduate unemployment provoked discussion amongst me and my Polish friends. Some said “what’s the point of publishing this, it’s nothing new”. But although it might be old story for all us Poles, it […]
Quo vadis, Internet?

Translated by Craig Proctor Were the thousands who marched down the streets calling us to arms against ACTA the only ones concerned with internet freedom? The government’s designs on the internet users freedom were fought off, and their lives returned to normal, in other words Facebook, Google and other sites resembling Wykop and Reddit. Having […]
Our house, in the middle of the street

In this interview Tomasz Oryński talks to Phil Jeffcock, a British man who converted a double-decker bus into a home to live life on the open road. Have you ever dreamed about living the life of free man? To do not be a slave to debt, a mortage, to be able to work only where you […]
Fighting antisemitsm with surrealism

In Łódź they’re fighting anti-Semitism with surrealism. Someone once said that with Polish anti-semitism, it is not that every Jew is the enemy, just that every enemy is a Jew. In some circles, to call someone a Jew is tantamount to insult, a phenomenon which is particularly common amongst football fans. The anti-Semitism and racism […]
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

Jerzy Owsiak was always a colorful person. A quicksilver character who could never find a place for himself. He attempted to study various subjects from philosophy to the arts, evaded military service by faking mental illness and in the process became so interested in mental health that he become certified psychotherapists. He is also certified […]
Closely watched trucks

Huge engine of monstrous, 18 wheeled Juggernaut roars while it climbs the bendy mountain road. Inside, a microphone from CB radio hangs over the dashboard. Behind the wheel a hairy trucker in a baseball cap neglectfully bites his toothpick. From time to time glancing at amazing views behind the windscreen and a sexy hitch-hiker on […]