Quo vadis, Internet?

Translated by Craig Proctor Were the thousands who marched down the streets calling us to arms against ACTA the only ones concerned with internet freedom? The government’s designs on the internet users freedom were fought off, and their lives returned to normal, in other words Facebook, Google and other sites resembling Wykop and Reddit. Having […]

Two sad movies about happiness

“Return of the idiot” (“Návrat idiota”) and “Something like happiness” (“Štěstí“) are two movies dealing with the interpersonal relations. In both of them the viewer follow a group of Czech people from the small city, who live their ordinary lives and try to find happiness. Although at first sight both movies appear very similar (even the […]

Milan Kundera and the West

Milan Kundera is a writer who sits astride between the West and Eastern Europe. Being born in Brno he spent his first half of life in Czechoslovakia. Since 1975 he has been living in France. His work life can be divided into two parts, demarcating two different periods – before and after immigration. This unique […]