Some of my long-time readers might be familiar with the campaign, which involved, a portal I used to be a deputy editor of, in which we were trying to tackle misinformation and deliberate slandering of Eastern Europe by the British media. One of the most famous cases was a story published by Daily Mail, […]
Butterfly Effect

by Martyna Sokołowska Translated, edited and additional commentary by Tomasz Oryński Every day army of young wannabe journalists fill the space in the Daily Mail and other British tabloids with bits and pieces they find on the Internet or from news agencies. They wade through oceans of data in search of the stories that they […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 238

Donald Tusk’s government is slowly gaining momentum. Squeaks coming from PiS side as they are being gradually pulled away from the through are getting louder too. As Donald Tusk wrote on his twitter, it won’t be light, easy and pleasant work. How hard, difficult and unpleasant it might get we saw when TVP had been […]
PiS has blood on its hands. AGAIN.

Writing that title made me feel uneasy. No, not because I am afraid they will sue me or something: we all know very well this is true. There is a reason why they are doing everything to postpone sentencing of the murderer of the Gdańsk president Paweł Adamowicz four years ago (read on it here): […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 228 – Eurovision Special

As I am collecting news items to feature in the new chapter of Absurdistan, I found an interesting drama regarding this year’s entry Eurovision song content. And I thought that maybe this week, instead of usual digest of the recent news, we can focus on that one thing, as in the lense of Eurovision – […]
Cold pint of Lech at 21:37, or why you should not overdo the mourning.

The Queen has died at the beautiful age of 96 years. After the initial shock of the nation, the news from Britain became more and more ridiculous. Center Parcs kicking out their guests in honour of the queen and the food banks closing its doors to hungry, poor people to commemorate her majesty. All while […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 213

Hallelujah! The long-awaited report of Antoni Macierewicz’s subcommission for investigating the Smoleńsk crash has been finally published! Finally, we know the truth, how the best president in the history of the Universe has been murdered by the evil team of Donald Tusk and Vladimir Putin. But do we? Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 210 Meanwhile […]
It’s not a Ukraine crisis. It’s a Russian invasion.

This text was published in English in West Country Voices. Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland 189 – The Refugee Crisis and Polish Government’s Crimes Against Humanity The Duda News channel – on the pro-PiS propaganda in Public Media A crisis-proof industry. Role of Russian settlers communities in the consolidation of Soviet Union and it’s impact […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 210

So with the threat of war looming over Polish eastern border, how is our country doing, you might ask? Well, it seems it is business as usual, although some of the extreme right-wing people ask if we really need to stand by Ukraine: perhaps we should just sit down with Putin and split Ukraine between […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 207

One of my first ever pieces of Britské Llisty, back in 2014, was about how the Catholic Church gets special treatment from the government and how it is giving the church free land and money under some false pretext with total disregard to the law and the fact, that such lands might be important to […]