Good News from Cuckooland! (Meanwhile in Cuckooland 211)

All across Poland, from the sea to the mountains, people are joining forces to help Ukrainians. Literally, every single of my friends is trying to help in some way – from sharing news about transport or accommodation requirements, to donating money, organizing or coordinating collections. My podcast’ co-host is coordinating help on the Ukrainian border […]

Russian Invasion of Ukraine as seen from Poland (Special podcast episode in English)

This joint production of Lewackie Pitolenie and West Country Voices is an English translation of the recent episode of the Polish language podcast Lewackie Pitolenie, in which we hear from Polish people engaged in helping Ukrainian refugees – both at the border and in the west part of the country, a Ukrainian protester in Glasgow […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 205

So just as we published the last week’s Absurdistan, the news broke that the prosecutors refused to investigate the cyberattack on the mobile phone of prosecutor Ewa Wrzosek. Some say that this is because minister of justice Zbigniew Ziobro, who has total control over the prosecutors, don’t want his criminal pals who spied on the […]

Meanwhile in Cuckooland 204

That moment in 1972 when president’ Nixon’s people were caught when trying to install a piece of eavesdropping equipment in the Democratic Party’s electoral HQ in the Watergate building, it was the pivotal moment that led to Nixon’s demise. Will the Pegasus affair be PiS’ equivalent of Watergate? We’ll see. Related posts: Meanwhile in Cuckooland […]