by Martyna Sokołowska Translated, edited and additional commentary by Tomasz Oryński Every day army of young wannabe journalists fill the space in the Daily Mail and other British tabloids with bits and pieces they find on the Internet or from news agencies. They wade through oceans of data in search of the stories that they […]
fake news
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 163

We haven’t had one of those for a while. But they came back with a bang. Literally. A government VIP vehicle, that, according to witnesses, was driving through Warsaw well over the speed limit, had smashed into a small Škoda. Its driver was unconscious and has been taken to the hospital and his car is […]
FACT CHECK: Are Eastern European truck drivers paid per km driven?

If you are an Eastern European living in Britain, you will well know that feeling. A frustration, when some stupid myth circulates in Britain over and over and no amount of proof or clarifications would convince people that the truth is different. Well, we are witnessing yet another instance of that. With the Brexit disaster […]
FACT CHECK: Is COVID pandemics a fake, and are Dutch doctors about to sue their government for it?

A quick blog entry, as one of my conspiracy-theory prone friend has sent me a movie clip and asked what I think about it. As usual, I decided to make a quick research, and it turned out pretty quickly, that I can say something about it. So since I wasted 15 minutes for it, let […]
Smash those Ciapaks, with a holy picture if need be.

“Boję się ciapaków” – told me my old university friend. Intelligent, educated, with a diploma in difficult field from a leading Polish university. “Ciapak” is a Polish racial slur for Muslims and Arabs, but also for Indian people and other people with a darker skin. The closest English equivalent would be “Paki”. “I fear Ciapaks” – […]
Is London Council really banning commemoration of Polish Battle of Britain pilots?

On the polish right wing portal an article was published. It was entitled “Allies? London council prevented laying flowers at the Polish War Monument”. This text tells a dramatic history of Polish War Veterans who were forced to leave their flowers at the padlocked gate after “annual Polish celebrations” were banned due to complaints from local residents […]
How propaganda works

Frankly speaking, I face a dilemma here: should I tackle this rubbish on, generating more visits to the right wing propaganda sites, or should I ignore it? I’ve decided, that from time to time I will do some little debunking of the right wing rubbish. Of course I am not that naive to think, that […]