Finally, the truth about the vaccines is out! A strange uniformed organization, a bit of crossover between Slavic Rodnovery, Neo-Nazis and paramilitary anti-Semitic organization, calling themselves “Bydgoskie Bractwo Rodaków – Bydgoszcz Camaraderie of the Countrymen” organized a “March for freedom and health” in their city. During that march, one could learn that “the history is […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 179

The pride month has begun. Apart from the usual butt-hurt in social media, where right-wingers threaten the companies who changed their logos to reflect their support for the LGBT community with taking their business elsewhere (last year’s losses from this boycott were estimated at about 12 zł 56 gr.) there are some more serious things […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 173

Sometimes when I read the news from Poland, I am not sure if I should laugh or weep. Like this reportage about a woman driver, who went on a crazy driving rampage around the town, writing off three cars and badly damaging 5 other ones, putting several lives at risk. Total damages to just one […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 170

It seems that the divisions between PiS and its side-kick coalition parties deepen. When the early elections for the mayor of Rzeszów have been announced, Zbigniew Ziobro’s party put up his own candidate. Marcin Warchoł, the deputy justice minister, has been recommended to a surprise of everyone by the outgoing left-wing mayor. He quickly began […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 167

The never-ending series about Daniel Obajtek (see previous chapters of that series), a “wonderful manager” and one of Kaczyński’s favourites, who turns out to have a lot of shady deals left and right, and by now looks like the king of crooks – if we believe independent media and the opposition – follows the Alfred […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 159

Another week, another attack on the PiS politician phone. This time it’s Marek Suski, and the hacker complained on his behalf about a woman who “sexually molested him”, publishing her sexy photos and a link to much more explicit material. This time I don’t know what would be worse – if the tweets were written […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 146

In a response to the letter of 50 ambassadors, who urged Poland to stop discriminating LBGT people, prime minister Morawiecki explained to the world what the truth is. And the truth is, you know, that for LGBT people Poland is a paradise, and they are respected far more than in any other countries. They can […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 144

The weekend was nervous. The journalists and publicist were racing in writing pieces and articles how the situation in the ruling coalition is critical, and how we are just about to see something of historical value. On Monday, media were pumping it even further, spreading rumours, and claiming that “decision will be announced just after […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 142

Writing about Polish politics becomes more and more boring from week to week. Because how many times you can report stories, that are almost the same as the ones that you have reported already several times? The sewage pipe under Vistula river in Warsaw broke, shit goes down with the river and PiS blames opposition […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 141

I’m back from Poland. I spend about two weeks there. I decided to check for myself if the hatred against LGBT community is really as bad as the media show it. To do that I obtained an LGBT coloured VISA card and used it as my major method of payment. It was not that bad. […]