It’s well over 24 hours since the Lukashenko regime hijacked a Polish plane (yes, this Ryanair plane was registered in Poland). And yet deputy minister for security (that is an official role of Jarosław Kaczyński in the government) has not spoken on the subject yet (not to mention no government action regarding the fate of […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 176

If you are told that the Government Commission for Paedophilia Investigation is just a puppet body that does nothing, you might want to re-evaluate that opinion. I decided to reevaluate it when I heard that it demanded the Episcopate to provide it with all data from curia and church courts regarding the crimes of paedophilia. […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 175

Apart from hunters, the State Forests are mentioned frequently in this series. This peculiar organisation is an unusual mix between a state institution tasked with managing the public property (that is, the forest) on behalf of the nation and a company making money from exploiting it. And if you don’t believe that, just look at […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 168

Where I live there is a big construction site. At the entrance, there is a board saying “There was no accident on this site for X days”. Each morning an employee changes the numbers to show even a higher one. If at the entrance to Poland there was a board measuring number of days since […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 167

The never-ending series about Daniel Obajtek (see previous chapters of that series), a “wonderful manager” and one of Kaczyński’s favourites, who turns out to have a lot of shady deals left and right, and by now looks like the king of crooks – if we believe independent media and the opposition – follows the Alfred […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 163

We haven’t had one of those for a while. But they came back with a bang. Literally. A government VIP vehicle, that, according to witnesses, was driving through Warsaw well over the speed limit, had smashed into a small Škoda. Its driver was unconscious and has been taken to the hospital and his car is […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 162

Winter 2021. Poland hasn’t seen so much snow for years, so the traffic on the roads moves slowly. The government TV blames opposition for it. The COVID vaccinations go on and the PiS MP, who criticized others for jumping the queue, jumped the queue to get vaccinated. But it has to be said that not […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 159

Another week, another attack on the PiS politician phone. This time it’s Marek Suski, and the hacker complained on his behalf about a woman who “sexually molested him”, publishing her sexy photos and a link to much more explicit material. This time I don’t know what would be worse – if the tweets were written […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 154

If you need to understand how the Polish state works and what it means to run business in Poland, you need to read just this one story: a company in Jaworzno asked the council to fix potholes on the road that leads to their warehouse, as the condition of the road was so bad, that […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 152

Those annoying teenagers! We need to do something with them. Look at this 14 years old encouraging people to participate in Women’s Strike on his Facebook! We should send police to his house to threaten him with up to 8 years of imprisonment! Or that Michał Rogalski, a 19-year old who was so annoyed that […]