Don’t worry, this is still Britske Listy’s “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” series. What you are looking at is a mayor of Jarocin burning private parts of Jan Szyszko with a jet burner. If you are loyal reader of that series, the name Szyszko might ring a bell – he was an environmental minister known for his […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 217

It’s terrible how Christians are discriminated against in Poland. You might remember last time I finished my column with the information about how Polish Scouts are now given choice if they want to say their oath with or without invoking God. Apparently, this is not the end of that story. See, the Pastoral Council of […]
Good News from Cuckooland! (Meanwhile in Cuckooland 211)

All across Poland, from the sea to the mountains, people are joining forces to help Ukrainians. Literally, every single of my friends is trying to help in some way – from sharing news about transport or accommodation requirements, to donating money, organizing or coordinating collections. My podcast’ co-host is coordinating help on the Ukrainian border […]
Russian Invasion of Ukraine as seen from Poland (Special podcast episode in English)

This joint production of Lewackie Pitolenie and West Country Voices is an English translation of the recent episode of the Polish language podcast Lewackie Pitolenie, in which we hear from Polish people engaged in helping Ukrainian refugees – both at the border and in the west part of the country, a Ukrainian protester in Glasgow […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 209

Finally, what was always commonly known, now it’s officially confirmed. Remember when Jarosław Kaczyński was asked about the tax reform “Polski Ład” after expert pointed out, that it will make most Poles worse-off? Back then he said that “Poland needs positive changes but only those who make a living from – pardon my language – […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 206

It seems that the New Years’ concert organized by TVP (see last week’s chapter) really left a huge impact upon society. Zakopane, the mountain resort where that event took place (and located within the region inhabited by highlanders, who are amongst the most anti-vaccine groups in Poland) noted 159 % raise in COVID infections. No […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 201

Hallelujah! It’s such a great time to be living in Poland now! Petrol, for example, is cheap like nowhere else in Europe. True, you might not feel it at the forecourt, as for the average salary a Polish person can buy only 700 liters of petrol (Czech: 800 and German, for example, 1800), but as […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 199

This week’s news were dominated by Donald Tusk losing his driving licence. He was stopped when driving over 100 km/h in a village – so in a place where speed limit is 50 km/h only. Michał Karnowski, an editor of a pro-government propaganda outlet is calling for him to step down from politics. This just […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 194

You might remember that PiS came to power thanks to, amongst other things, a secret recording of the private conversations between politicians (see here). Those recordings, as we know today, were doctored and only those inconvenient to the politicians of the previous ruling party have been released. There was suspicion that Russia is involved in […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 187

Earlier this year president Duda was praising the work of the Polish Police during the women’s strike. According to him, the police behave in an exceptionally professional way, because “nobody died” during the riots (as he called the women’s strikes last year). He says that as long, as nobody’s hurt it means that the police’s […]