Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily paper, decided to gain some clicky by resurrecting a discussion that tumbled across the Polish internet a couple of weeks ago. The question of casting Jodie Turner-Smith, a black actress, as Ann Boylen in the oncoming Netflix series was controversial. Since the series was announced as a period drama, […]
Author: Tomasz Oryński
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 166
After being attacked by the pack of wolves, two heroic lumberjacks were defending themselves for fifteen minutes using their chainsaw. No, this is not the screenplay for the new B-class horror movie. This is actually the story told to the media by one of the prosecutors in Poland. He says “this was unprecedented” and he’s […]
So are we still in lock-down? Or is that a normal life now?
We just entered March 2021. If you look even at my blog from year ago, I published several texts related to pandemics last March (see here). We all remember panic buy of pasta and hoarding bog rolls or speculation on the soap and hand sanitizer. Then the lockdown came and I remember how, along with […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 165
It seems that the plan of creating a new PiS’ superhero in the hope to make him a new prime minister has been derailed. After Orlen CEO Daniel Obajtek received an award from pro-government paper and embarrassingly slimy speeches praising his managerial genius (see more in last week’s chapter). True, Daniel Obajtek’s name has become […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 164
It seems that Mateusz Morawiecki is a bit washed down and his replacement is being prepared. Therefore Orlen CEO and trusted man of Kaczyński, Daniel Obajtek was (I guess, ironically, as this is the man responsible for taking over independent local media) named “Man of Freedom 2020” by the pro-PiS weekly “Sieci”. In a cringe-worthy […]
Why driving tests aren’t considered key service in Britain?
For years, my partner did not felt too much pressure to have her driving license done. She was happy to commute by public transport, and when we were going somewhere together I was driving and I never complained about it. It was only after I was unable to drive for the longer period of time […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 163
We haven’t had one of those for a while. But they came back with a bang. Literally. A government VIP vehicle, that, according to witnesses, was driving through Warsaw well over the speed limit, had smashed into a small Škoda. Its driver was unconscious and has been taken to the hospital and his car is […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 162
Winter 2021. Poland hasn’t seen so much snow for years, so the traffic on the roads moves slowly. The government TV blames opposition for it. The COVID vaccinations go on and the PiS MP, who criticized others for jumping the queue, jumped the queue to get vaccinated. But it has to be said that not […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 161
The justification for the Tribunal’s ruling de facto banning abortion in Poland in all but the two most extreme cases have been published. Experts have torn it to shreds – both on the legal basis and pointing its ideological message, so I won’t be going into it. I’d rather focus on the actual impact of […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 160
It seems that the new recurring theme of this series will be „old communist jokes that work again in PiS Poland”. Today’s one is the one about Lenin, who was disturbed by a child while shaving himself. He got angry and smacked the child in the head – and that shows us how good man […]