Oncoming parliamentary election in Poland might be the most significant ones in more than a decade. Andrzej Duda’s victory in presidential elections earlier this year proved that skillfull play on moods of the public, tired with 8 years of Platforma Obywatelska government, fueled with strong smearing campaign might result in such suprising results as a […]
Refugees like us

Although for the few years we managed to maintain a feeling that tragedy in Syria is „someone else’s problem”, today we cannot ignore it any longer – those „someones” are already here, they are at our borders, they camp at the Slovenian borders or try to cross in leaky bathtubs across Mediterrain Sea. So […]
Why Poles in UK get frustrated.

Although it was probably no surprise to anyone that today’s „Polish strike” turned out to be total failure (on demonstration outside Westminster journalists strongly outnumbered protesters), the frustration of some Poles is a fact. Some Britons cannot really see why, after all we are free to settle in this country and are treated nicely and seen […]
On moderate progress within the limits of common sense

The Internet is full of radical activists fighting for the better future. They are trying to convince us to abandon crude oil in favour of renewable energy, to go vegan or to stop wasting food. And of course more difficult it is to introduce certain changes in real life, more of them remains in the […]
Parasites of the market.

Economy and social life in many ways reproduce phenomenons of nature. We have fight for survival, cooperation and symbiosis and survival of the fittest. So have we parasites as well. As in nature, parasites feed of the good off others, without giving anything in exchange. And I don’t want to write about thieves – as […]
A crisis-proof industry.

Although Britons complain, that their country is no longer manufacturing power as it used to be, they can still be proud of the fact, that Britain is really strong in advanced technologies. But there is one more industry that Britain leads the world. It is applied trafficconeology. In that field, Britain comes second to none. Everyone […]
What is Cameron’s door canvassing around Europe really about?

David Cameron ventured onto door-canvassing trip around European capital cities. Although he claims to be all for Britain staying in EU, he demands renegotiation of the basic points of the treaty. But is it really needed to bother anyone else and try to force them to take actions that might result in two-speeds Europe, if […]
Surprising results of the Polish presidential elections

Not long ago, everyone expected that Bronisław Komorowski will easily secure his position for the second term in first round of the votes. As a result, leaders of the other parties did not even attempted to fight him in order to not become a face of defeat. The only exception was Janusz Palikot, but he […]
Celebrities that matter to you

I am not interested in celebrities, but recent developments in that field cannot be ignored. British media are already on full-blown diarrhea on the subject of birth of the Royal Baby. Tabloids are racing to be first to inform about such important and unheard of developments as “grandma and granddad visited hospital” or “members of […]
Peeking into Arran’s backyard – Kintyre peninsula

Kintyre, located in the West of Scotland, it’s not an obvious destination for tourists. This dong-shaped peninsula is also not a convienient point to plan visiting it en-route to somewhere else. From the last major junction in Lochgilphead, there is still over an hour drive to Cambpeltown, Kintyre’s major town. 3,5 hour journey from Glasgow, […]