Until recently, in Poland protesting was a domain of the older generation – with the sole exception of protest against ACTA, seen as an attack on the freedom of the internet in 2012, the average age of people going out to the streets to protests the government was probably somewhere around 45-50. With the creation […]
Britské Listy
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 154
If you need to understand how the Polish state works and what it means to run business in Poland, you need to read just this one story: a company in Jaworzno asked the council to fix potholes on the road that leads to their warehouse, as the condition of the road was so bad, that […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 153
My dear readers! Hold on tight, as today is a special day. While doing my research I always try to show balanced view, but usually searching for the positive things one can write about PiS is a futile task. But not this week! There is one PiS MP that one can only has a praise […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 152
Those annoying teenagers! We need to do something with them. Look at this 14 years old encouraging people to participate in Women’s Strike on his Facebook! We should send police to his house to threaten him with up to 8 years of imprisonment! Or that Michał Rogalski, a 19-year old who was so annoyed that […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 151
So at least for once Poland under the rule of PiS is Europe’s leader in something. Shame it’s in COVID-19, but it’s always something. Recently in Poland the number of death exceeded that of Great Britain – 548 vs 462. The number of infections is also similar (25571 vs 26860 respectively). But there is a […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 150
The protests in Poland are still going on. Why one might feel that they have lost momentum, it’s not that the anger has died out, although the form evolves. And to ensure, that people’s rage continues, the government/church side does everything to pour more petrol into the fire. Recently, the organizers established an advisory council […]
WYPIERDALAĆ: Update on protests in Poland for 31 X
The prostests in Poland continue. From the small villages to big metropolies, angry people take to the streets. In Warsaw it is estimated that well over 100 000 people took to the streets. The scale of the protests can be seen at this drone video: Read the previous part here Learn what sparkled the prostests […]
WYPIERDALAĆ: an update on the protests in Poland for 28 October.
Due to the scale of the events in Poland I’ve decided to write an update to yesterday’s chapter of “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” Kaczyński’s reaction Yesterday Jarosław Kaczyński published his speech to the nation. He babbled for six minutes in the style that could be only described as crossover between Wojciech Jaruzelski’ announcement of the introduction […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 149
WYPIERDALAĆ. Get the fuck out. This is the word heard everywhere across Poland now. I know, it’s vulgar, and redactor Čulik would probably try to smooth it out, but please don’t. We are journalists, and our duty is to inform, to tell how it is. And this is how it is: Poles don’t ask politely […]
This is how “The Handmaid’s Tale” would begin if it was real.
Today, Polish constitutional tribunal ruled, that the termination of pregnancy when fetus is ill, deformed or unlikely to survive on it’s own is against Polish constitution. This was one of the three cases when abortion was legal in Poland (other two being when the baby is a result of a rape and if the mother’s […]