Why is Polish youth so right wing?

After presidential and parliamentary elections, Poland found itself in totally new situation. For the first time, there is no left in the parliament and the right wing Prawo i Sprawiedliwość has almost all power in it’s hands. With the weak opposition from crumbling Platforma Obywatelska, newbies from .Nowoczesna and few survivors of Peasant’ party they […]

Prawo i Sprawiedliwosć sticks out middle finger to its voters.

The number of the hard line Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) followers remains constant and it would not be sufficient to ensure its victory. Therefore apart from people’s disaffection to Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform), it owes it’s success to the people, who believed in their picture that new people have taken over and Beata Szydło’s […]

Celebrities that matter to you

I am not interested in celebrities, but recent developments in that field cannot be ignored.  British media are already on full-blown diarrhea on the subject of birth of the Royal Baby. Tabloids are racing to be first to inform about such important and unheard of developments as “grandma and granddad visited hospital” or “members of […]

Je suis Voltaire

Recent atrocities in Charlie Hebdo yet again shaked our sense of security and provoked discussions: some call for revisions of our relations with Islam, other – including French president François Hollande – argue, that the attackers had nothing to do with Islam. It is important that while discussing the fanaticism, one does not loose his […]