After presidential and parliamentary elections, Poland found itself in totally new situation. For the first time, there is no left in the parliament and the right wing Prawo i Sprawiedliwość has almost all power in it’s hands. With the weak opposition from crumbling Platforma Obywatelska, newbies from .Nowoczesna and few survivors of Peasant’ party they […]
Kaczyński wins. So does Poland as well?
In last month’s parliamentary elections in Poland, the victorious, right-wing Law and Justice Party made history as the first party to win a majority government in a free election. With the opposition abated, they are now setting their sights on rewriting the constitution and dramatically changing the Polish political system. But will they succeed? This […]
Prawo i Sprawiedliwosć sticks out middle finger to its voters.
The number of the hard line Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) followers remains constant and it would not be sufficient to ensure its victory. Therefore apart from people’s disaffection to Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform), it owes it’s success to the people, who believed in their picture that new people have taken over and Beata Szydło’s […]
Landscape before parliamentary elections in Poland
Oncoming parliamentary election in Poland might be the most significant ones in more than a decade. Andrzej Duda’s victory in presidential elections earlier this year proved that skillfull play on moods of the public, tired with 8 years of Platforma Obywatelska government, fueled with strong smearing campaign might result in such suprising results as a […]
What is Cameron’s door canvassing around Europe really about?
David Cameron ventured onto door-canvassing trip around European capital cities. Although he claims to be all for Britain staying in EU, he demands renegotiation of the basic points of the treaty. But is it really needed to bother anyone else and try to force them to take actions that might result in two-speeds Europe, if […]
Surprising results of the Polish presidential elections
Not long ago, everyone expected that Bronisław Komorowski will easily secure his position for the second term in first round of the votes. As a result, leaders of the other parties did not even attempted to fight him in order to not become a face of defeat. The only exception was Janusz Palikot, but he […]
Celebrities that matter to you
I am not interested in celebrities, but recent developments in that field cannot be ignored. British media are already on full-blown diarrhea on the subject of birth of the Royal Baby. Tabloids are racing to be first to inform about such important and unheard of developments as “grandma and granddad visited hospital” or “members of […]
What can be expected in Poland in the oncoming election year?
Oncoming year will see Poles electing new parliament and president. Somehow yet it is doubtful that anything will change, and frequency will probably be even lower. Why? Right wing voters have plenty of parties to choose from. First there, right on the right edge of the spectrum there are circles related to Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, an […]
Je suis Voltaire
Recent atrocities in Charlie Hebdo yet again shaked our sense of security and provoked discussions: some call for revisions of our relations with Islam, other – including French president François Hollande – argue, that the attackers had nothing to do with Islam. It is important that while discussing the fanaticism, one does not loose his […]
Is Czech T-mobile ad just a innocent joke, or part of bigger anti-Polish campaign?
Poles cannot laugh at themselves, so the others have to do it for us – says a popular joke. Yet, the amount of Polish jokes could be annoying, especially that most of them just expolit unjust stereotypes. Perhaps this is why Poles seem to be a bit oversensitive and the reaction of Polish embassy to […]