Apart from hunters, the State Forests are mentioned frequently in this series. This peculiar organisation is an unusual mix between a state institution tasked with managing the public property (that is, the forest) on behalf of the nation and a company making money from exploiting it. And if you don’t believe that, just look at […]
Is it racist to say “hey, but Ann Boylen was white!”?

Gazeta Wyborcza, the biggest Polish daily paper, decided to gain some clicky by resurrecting a discussion that tumbled across the Polish internet a couple of weeks ago. The question of casting Jodie Turner-Smith, a black actress, as Ann Boylen in the oncoming Netflix series was controversial. Since the series was announced as a period drama, […]
So are we still in lock-down? Or is that a normal life now?

We just entered March 2021. If you look even at my blog from year ago, I published several texts related to pandemics last March (see here). We all remember panic buy of pasta and hoarding bog rolls or speculation on the soap and hand sanitizer. Then the lockdown came and I remember how, along with […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 155

“As a woman, as mother, I will never understand or support the protesters. Vulgar and boorish behaviour is not making women pretty, they remind me of pack of Papuans and brainless savages, who can only beat and mindlessly have sex. It’s scary to give matches to some of them. To all of those swearing pseudo-women […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 152

Those annoying teenagers! We need to do something with them. Look at this 14 years old encouraging people to participate in Women’s Strike on his Facebook! We should send police to his house to threaten him with up to 8 years of imprisonment! Or that Michał Rogalski, a 19-year old who was so annoyed that […]
WYPIERDALAĆ: Update on protests in Poland for 31 X

The prostests in Poland continue. From the small villages to big metropolies, angry people take to the streets. In Warsaw it is estimated that well over 100 000 people took to the streets. The scale of the protests can be seen at this drone video: Read the previous part here Learn what sparkled the prostests […]
WYPIERDALAĆ: an update on the protests in Poland for 28 October.

Due to the scale of the events in Poland I’ve decided to write an update to yesterday’s chapter of “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” Kaczyński’s reaction Yesterday Jarosław Kaczyński published his speech to the nation. He babbled for six minutes in the style that could be only described as crossover between Wojciech Jaruzelski’ announcement of the introduction […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 141

I’m back from Poland. I spend about two weeks there. I decided to check for myself if the hatred against LGBT community is really as bad as the media show it. To do that I obtained an LGBT coloured VISA card and used it as my major method of payment. It was not that bad. […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 138

When the government promised new fire engines for the parishes that have the highest turnout in the presidential elections, everyone wondered what would happen if the biggest turnout would happen in the places that voted for the opposition candidates. And now we have a chance to watch that, as in Podkarpackie voivodship, traditionally known for […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 122

Poland enters the next stage of the fight with the pandemics. But it seems that the times, where everyone was working together is gone. Hospitals report a critical lack of PPE and other required materials. Doctors and nurses, or even the whole hospitals, are crying for help in social media, others reveal that the government […]