I need to take break from my “Meanwhile in Cuckooland” series, as the matter in question is not funny. Jarosław Kaczyński rise to power was build on fuelling xenophobic moods in the society and flirting with extreme right. My first ever piece for Britske Listy was pointing out this very problem. Today, actions of PiS […]
I’m dreaming of a Polish Christmas, not those from Coca-Cola ads.

In the last days of November, I switch my British radio off for good after hearing the voice of George Michael for the first time. The fact that a heartbreak song became a Christmas anthem says a lot about how shallow Christmas became in Anglo-American culture. In Britain you want it all, and you want […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 12 – Anniversaries and Month-inversaries.

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far Last days have passed in Poland under the sign of anniversaries. Or month-iversaries, as in case of the 80th month-iversary of the Smoleńsk crash. The most important anniversary is 13th of December. 35 years ago […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 11

Click here to read previous chapter of the series Click here to see all chapters so far So PiS was right after all! There are foreign agents trying to influence Polish politics from the inside. Luckily for everyone, crisis has been solved now, after Robert Grey, a deputy minister of foreign affairs got sacked. On […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 10

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far Year has passed since Beata Szydło has became prime minister in Jarosław Kaczyński’s government. PiS is known for it’s fondness to celebrate anniversaries (or even month-iversaries, as in case of the Smoleńsk crash). Recently for […]
Remember the fallen but don’t celebrate the bloodshed of war

The 11th of November is a very important day, both in Poland and in Britain. But the feeling is very different. In the beginning, I just thought that this was due to the fact, that for Poland 11th of November is also our Independence Day. Finally, I managed to pinpoint the real difference. It came to me […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 9

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far I got a feeling that that last week, when government did not embarrassed Poland was just calm before the storm. They needed some time before they hit again, they needed to regroup, think about […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 8

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far Last week in Poland was suprisingly calm. For a few days the government did nothing embarrassing. Seems they are going for new record! But PiS state of mind is present also on lower levels. Especially around Poznań […]
Losing a friend helped me find my roots in Scotland

Western customs and traditions usually settle well in Poland. Especially fresh after the fall of the Iron Curtain, we were thirsty for all that we could so far only see in American movies. But while Valentine’s Day and other commercial holidays took root almost instantly, there is one tradition that is having a rough path […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 7

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far There you go: yet another example of the anti-Polish conspiracy. A Brussels sponsored leftist-feminist-atheist-vegetarian forces will not stop to attack true Polish patriots. Now they went so far that they ordered a Spanish police to attack […]