The police is not having a good time recently. Everyone is still talking about the chief of police blowing his office with the grenade launcher, and now Gazeta Wyborcza informs about his brother facing five different changes related to a tax scams. Usually, people accused of crimes of that scale are arrested, but in this […]
Czech Republic
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 193

As everyone expected, the whole politics is just a show. Because how else you could explain, that the politicians, who call each others traitors and attack both The Left and Paweł Kukiz for attempting to work with PiS on the important issues, saying that you should not speak to PiS at all (more on that […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 181

It seems Poland is at war. Just recently we heard about our submarine that got almost sank then one of the Polish fighter planes had been shot at and now two tanks have been completely destroyed. And then there is that instance of cyberwar, where the e-mails from the important member of the government had […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 177

It’s well over 24 hours since the Lukashenko regime hijacked a Polish plane (yes, this Ryanair plane was registered in Poland). And yet deputy minister for security (that is an official role of Jarosław Kaczyński in the government) has not spoken on the subject yet (not to mention no government action regarding the fate of […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 174

“Ruthless attack of Watchdog on the Radio Maryja circle! Father’s Rydzyk’s university becomes yet another target! The dean says “We are being tormented. What’s the purpose of it?” – cries, extremely pro-PiS portal. So what it is about? Watchdog Polska, an NGO focused on providing citizen’s control by the way of obtaining public information […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 58

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far It seems that when it comes to Polish-Israeli relations, the Polish government have decided to come with Final Solution – that is, they are willing to destroy any good relations we had with Israel and […]
Meanwhile in Cuckooland 32

Click here to see previous part of the series Click here to see all chapters of the series so far Last week in Poland was dominated by two major international events: 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee held by UNESCO in Kraków and a visit of president Trump in Poland. “Let it tree” The […]
More about Czech’s attitudes towards Poles – based on reactions from Blisty’ readers

After the publication of my piece „Je to pravda, že Češi nemají rádi Poláky?” (In English here) in which I analyzed some unfriendly reaction to my previous piece, dividing them in three groups I was literally flooded with e-mails from the readers. „In reaction to your piece, I would like to let you know, that there […]
Is it true, that Czechs don’t like Poles?

My recent piece in Britské listy „Je česká reklama T-mobilu jen nevinným vtípkem, anebo je součástí větší protipolské kampaně?” (in English here) generated quite a response from readers. If I was to answer the question asked in the title based only on the e-mails I received from Blisty readers, the answer would be very strong Yes. Why? […]
Is Czech T-mobile ad just a innocent joke, or part of bigger anti-Polish campaign?

Poles cannot laugh at themselves, so the others have to do it for us – says a popular joke. Yet, the amount of Polish jokes could be annoying, especially that most of them just expolit unjust stereotypes. Perhaps this is why Poles seem to be a bit oversensitive and the reaction of Polish embassy to […]