Celebrities that matter to you

I am not interested in celebrities, but recent developments in that field cannot be ignored.  British media are already on full-blown diarrhea on the subject of birth of the Royal Baby. Tabloids are racing to be first to inform about such important and unheard of developments as “grandma and granddad visited hospital” or “members of […]

More about Czech’s attitudes towards Poles – based on reactions from Blisty’ readers

After the publication of my piece „Je to pravda, že Češi nemají rádi Poláky?” (In English here) in which I analyzed some unfriendly reaction to my previous piece, dividing them in three groups I was literally flooded with e-mails from the readers. „In reaction to your piece, I would like to let you know, that there […]

Is it true, that Czechs don’t like Poles?

My recent piece in Britské listy „Je česká reklama T-mobilu jen nevinným vtípkem, anebo je součástí větší protipolské kampaně?” (in English here) generated quite a response from readers. If I was to answer the question asked in the title based only on the e-mails I received from Blisty readers, the answer would be very strong Yes. Why? […]

Do it yourself

Recently published tapes did no good to the Polish politicians ratings. It emerged that despite in private they share views of many of their voters, they do nothing to meet their expectation. Still they feel no hesitation from paying a restaurant bill equal to supermarket cashier’ monthly salary from public money. But the fact that […]

Our dear Church

Contrary to popular opinion, Poland is not homogeneously Catholic country. Moreover, even Polish Catholics are deeply divided over many issues regarding their church. The subject that provokes exceptionally heated discussion is the question of greediness of church officials. Many Poles may look down at Czechs and treat them mostly as purveyors of good beer and […]

Welcome to the real World

This article is in response to Amy Mackinnon’s article on graduate employment, ‘Never had it s good?‘ Amy Mackinnon’s recent piece on graduate unemployment provoked discussion amongst me and my Polish friends. Some said “what’s the point of publishing this, it’s nothing new”. But although it might be old story for all us Poles, it […]