Je suis Voltaire

Recent atrocities in Charlie Hebdo yet again shaked our sense of security and provoked discussions: some call for revisions of our relations with Islam, other – including French president François Hollande – argue, that the attackers had nothing to do with Islam. It is important that while discussing the fanaticism, one does not loose his […]

More about Czech’s attitudes towards Poles – based on reactions from Blisty’ readers

After the publication of my piece „Je to pravda, že Češi nemají rádi Poláky?” (In English here) in which I analyzed some unfriendly reaction to my previous piece, dividing them in three groups I was literally flooded with e-mails from the readers. „In reaction to your piece, I would like to let you know, that there […]

Is it true, that Czechs don’t like Poles?

My recent piece in Britské listy „Je česká reklama T-mobilu jen nevinným vtípkem, anebo je součástí větší protipolské kampaně?” (in English here) generated quite a response from readers. If I was to answer the question asked in the title based only on the e-mails I received from Blisty readers, the answer would be very strong Yes. Why? […]

Aye people

„What now? Are you going to litter the whole neighborhood again with that crap? It is beyond belief how much paper is wasted to fulfill wet dreams of that idiot and this cow of his!” – elderly lady walking the street with her york was obviously not too happy with us blocking the pavement outside […]