Majority of Tourists in Scotland visit Glasgow or Edinburgh and then head north towards Highlands. During the season, hordes of cars with caravan trailer clog busy A82 as they drivers are willing to see the beauty of Loch Ness and Isle of Skye. Meanwhile relatively little known Argyle, located to the west from Glasgow, also has plenty […]
Who is responsible for perception of Poland?

Every time I drive trough Helensburgh I see the sign at the city limits saying „Welcome to Helensburgh – Birthplace of John Logie Baird, inventor of television”. I wonder how it is, that the world follows Anglo-American version of events. Yes, the British once ruled half of the world and their version was taught in […]
This article may save your life.

One youtube movie keeps returning to internet forums with the regularity of the comet. It’s an amateur movie shot few years ago on the British motorway M1. On this movie we can see a big DAF XF truck pushing a small car in front of it. Usually there are plenty of angry comments under that […]
What can be expected in Poland in the oncoming election year?

Oncoming year will see Poles electing new parliament and president. Somehow yet it is doubtful that anything will change, and frequency will probably be even lower. Why? Right wing voters have plenty of parties to choose from. First there, right on the right edge of the spectrum there are circles related to Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, an […]
Je suis Voltaire

Recent atrocities in Charlie Hebdo yet again shaked our sense of security and provoked discussions: some call for revisions of our relations with Islam, other – including French president François Hollande – argue, that the attackers had nothing to do with Islam. It is important that while discussing the fanaticism, one does not loose his […]
More about Czech’s attitudes towards Poles – based on reactions from Blisty’ readers

After the publication of my piece „Je to pravda, že Češi nemají rádi Poláky?” (In English here) in which I analyzed some unfriendly reaction to my previous piece, dividing them in three groups I was literally flooded with e-mails from the readers. „In reaction to your piece, I would like to let you know, that there […]
Is it true, that Czechs don’t like Poles?

My recent piece in Britské listy „Je česká reklama T-mobilu jen nevinným vtípkem, anebo je součástí větší protipolské kampaně?” (in English here) generated quite a response from readers. If I was to answer the question asked in the title based only on the e-mails I received from Blisty readers, the answer would be very strong Yes. Why? […]
Is Czech T-mobile ad just a innocent joke, or part of bigger anti-Polish campaign?

Poles cannot laugh at themselves, so the others have to do it for us – says a popular joke. Yet, the amount of Polish jokes could be annoying, especially that most of them just expolit unjust stereotypes. Perhaps this is why Poles seem to be a bit oversensitive and the reaction of Polish embassy to […]
On outcome of Polish local elections.

The results of the Polish local elections came as a big surprise. Although PiS came out relatively good, it’s victory did not really allowed it to take power in most of the towns and district it hoped. Surprisingly good result of peasant’s party PSL shows that they enjoy much greater following at the local level […]
Major changes in Polish politics.

Although Donald Tusk claimed that he is not interested in any positions in European Union as he still has a lot to do as a Polish prime minister, when it was announced that he is to become next President of the European Council nobody in Poland was surprised. The eyes of everyone turned at his […]